Postgraduate education/ qualifications
Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training (2005)
Certificate in Clinical Education, Newcastle University (2005)
RCOG/RCR Diploma in Advanced Obstetric Ultrasound (2005)
FRCR (UK) (2003)
MRCP (UK) (2000)
MD Martin-Luther University Halle/ Germany (1998)
Undergraduate education/ qualifications
State Examination in Medicine (1996), Martin-Luther University Halle, Germany
Medical School (October 1990 – September 1996), Martin-Luther University Halle, Germany
Current post
Since May 2006: Consultant Paediatric Radiologist, Leeds Teaching Hospitals
I am a full time Paediatric Radiologist working at the Leeds Children’s Hospital, a 300-bed tertiary referral centre providing services to children in Yorkshire and beyond. I provide high quality paediatric imaging including paediatric CT, MRI, Fluoroscopy, ultrasound and plain film reporting for children and young adults. I am the Subspecialty lead for paediatric musculoskeletal imaging and chair the paediatric orthopaedic, rheumatology, skeletal dysplasia neuromuscular, endocrinology and GI medical meetings.
Since May 2006: Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Leeds
As a senior lecturer I am involved in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and recruitment.
Previous posts
Jan 2007 -Dec 2007: Paediatric Radiology Fellowship, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto/Canada
Sep 2000 -Apr 2006: Specialist Registrar in Radiology, Northern Deanery
Aug 1998 -Aug 2000: Senior House Officer, Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals
Feb 1997 -Aug 1998: House Officer, Grimsby General Hospital and Hartlepool General Hospital
9th Nov – 11th Nov
39 06 32110740 / +39 06 3218257/ +39 06 32120041